• The Fourth International Exhibition of the Republic of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

    Event StartDate :25/11/2017
    Event EndDate : 10/11/2017

               Asharqia Chamber presents its greetings and notes to the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. 1341 Date 04/05/1438 containing the invitation to Saudi companies to participate in the fourth edition of the Ouagadougou International Exhibition, the Republic of Burkina Faso, during the period of November 10 to 25, 2017.

    To participate and for more information contact: (0022625311300 -002262570238012) fax (0022625311469) or visit the website: www.apexb.bf.

  • The Fourth International Exhibition of the Republic of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

    Event StartDate :10/02/2017
    Event EndDate : 25/02/2017

    Sirs / the respected participants of the Chamber

    Peace and blessings of God


              Asharqia Chamber presents its best regards and informs you of the receipt of the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. 1341 Date 04/05/1438  containing inviting Saudi companies to participate in the fourth edition of the Ouagadougou International, the Republic of Burkina Faso, during November 10 to 25, 2017.

    In case you wish to join and for more information we hope that you contact phone (0022625311300 -002262570238012) fax (0022625311469) or visit the website: www.apexb.bf.

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